Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Noob Moments

Okay, let’s break the ice a little and share some noob moments. These are usually good for a laugh.

So, I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.

One of my first noob moments came at around level 14 of my first toon (of course I was a noob then, but I didn't know how much of one I was).

I read one of those game tips on the loading screen and had to laugh at myself. You know the ones, the little snippets that we so often ignore as we tell the screen to hurry up and load? Well, one day I was logging in and saw, “Your character can eat and drink at the same time.”

Really? I’d been eating to restore health then sitting back down and drinking to restore mana for 14 levels. Duh.

That’s pretty minor stuff, considering other things I’ve seen (and done).

This will probably become a regular feature of this blog, but I’ll fess up more after you show me yours…

1 comment:

  1. WOW there are so many. I was like level 10 before I knew to loot my kills... LOL Wonder what I missed out on?

